o * H e r o i z m i e

Isten, a*ldd meg a Magyart
Patron strony

Zniewolenie jest ceną jaką trzeba płacić za nieznajomość prawdy lub za brak odwagi w jej głoszeniu.* * *

Naród dumny ginie od kuli , naród nikczemny ginie od podatków * * *

* "W ciągu całego mego życia widziałem w naszym kraju tylko dwie partie. Partię polską i antypolską, ludzi godnych i ludzi bez sumienia, tych, którzy pragnęli ojczyzny wolnej i niepodległej, i tych, którzy woleli upadlające obce panowanie." - Adam Jerzy książę Czartoryski, w. XIX.


17 mld 700 mln 683 tys. zł.
1 mld 492 mln / mies
40 mln d z i e n n i e

Dlaczego uważasz, że t a c y nie mieliby cię okłamywać?

W III RP trwa noc zakłamania, obłudy i zgody na wszelkie postacie krzywdy, zbrodni i bluźnierstw. Rządzi państwem zwanym III RP rozbójnicza banda złoczyńców tym różniących się od rządców PRL, iż udają katolików

Ks. Stanisław Małkowski

* * * * * * * * *

piątek, 27 stycznia 2012

..jesliś n i e cienki michtrix lemming -

zastanów sie  g d z i e   wchodzisz ;
-  np. TU 
 , A L B O:
np. TUTAJ 


dla kogo robi -tuś-

W Wilnie pobito 16-latka, bo rozmawiał po polsku

Dodane przez Zalewski
Opublikowano: Poniedziałek, 23 stycznia 2012 

16-letni Daniel Cz., uczeń polskiego Gimnazjum im. Jana Pawła II w Wilnie został w piątek dotkliwie pobity - jak twierdzi - za to, że rozmawiał po polsku.

Czy podoba Ci się ten materiał?

Opodatkuj się!

W miesiącu grudzień otrzymaliśmy od Was 2 818,00 zł, potrzebujemy zaś na dalsze funkcjonowanie 20 000,00 zł.
Zebraliśmy więc tylko 14,09% wymaganych pieniędzy na nasze dalsze funkcjonowanie.

W poniedziałek II Komisariat Policji Wileńskiej poinformował PAP, że w sprawie pobicia Daniela wszczęto dochodzenie. Policja na razie nie udziela informacji. Według mamy Daniela, do pobicia doszło na tle narodowościowym.

„Syn opowiadał, że po zakończeniu w piątek dyskoteki w Domu Polskim około 22.30, kilku chłopców czekało na zewnątrz, aż przyjadą rodzice i ich zabiorą. Obok przechodziła grupa, która usłyszawszy, że chłopcy rozmawiają po polsku, rzuciła hasło „przeki” (obraźliwe określenie Polaków) i zaatakowała ich. Syna skopano” – powiedziała PAP mama Daniela.

Jak twierdzi lekarz, chłopak miał dużo szczęścia, że przy tak dotkliwym pobiciu, nie zostało nic złamane.

Na razie polscy politycy a także pedagodzy unikają komentarzy, ale wszyscy przyznają, że ostatnio młodzież polska w Wilnie często unika używania języka polskiego w miejscach publicznych, m.in. w transporcie miejskim, by nie narażać się na obraźliwe repliki.
Radio Znad Wilii/Kresy.pl

Najczęściej czytane

Viešosios policijos padaliniai:imgKelių policijos valdyba
imgViešosios tvarkos valdyba 
imgOperatyvaus valdymo skyrius 
imgPatrulių rinktinė 
imgMigracijos valdyba
Vilniaus miesto policijos komisariatai:  
Vilniaus apskrities policijos komisariatai:
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Publiczne służby policji:
Droga Zarządu Policji
Zarząd Porządku Publicznego
Operacyjny Pionu Zarządzania
Zespół Patrol
ds. Migracji

Vilnius City posterunków policji:
Okręg wileński. DAC w Wilnie Pierwszy Policji
Okręg wileński. DAC w Wilnie Druga Policji
Okręg wileński. DAC w Wilnie Trzeci Policji
Okręg wileński. DAC w Wilnie Czwarty Policji
Okręg wileński. DAC w Wilnie Piąty Policji
Okręg wileński. DAC w Wilnie Szósty Policji

Okręg wileński posterunków policji: 


KĘSTUTIS LANČINSKAS - Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters

Kęstutis Lančinskas, Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters, was born on 24 November 1967. In 1992, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University, receiving higher education. His service record in the internal system dates back to October 1990. At his request, Kęstutis Lančinskas was dismissed from the internal system in December 1992 and worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until October 1998. Until that time Mr Lančinskas worked as the First Secretary of Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Latvia, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Israel. In October 1998 he returned to the internal system and was appointed as the Commissioner of Advisers Service of the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior. In January 1999, Mr Lančinskas took up the position of the head of the International Cooperation Service of the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior. In 6 June 2005, Mr Lančinskas was appointed as the Deputy Commissioner General of Lithuanian Police. In 6 January 2009, Kęstutis Lančinskas was appointed to the position of the Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters. During his service Mr Lančinskas was promoted several times. He was awarded honorary badges of the first and the second degree “For the Good of Homeland” of the Ministry of the Interior and received the honorary badge “The 85th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Police” of the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior. In 2003, he was awarded the honorary badge of the President of the Republic of Lithuania for personal contribution to the development of transatlantic relations of Lithuania and on the occasion of inviting the Republic of Lithuania to NATO. In September 2004, Mr Lančinskas received acknowledgement of Aloyzas Sakalas, Member of the European Parliament.
Sigitas Mecelica - Deputy Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters

Sigitas Mecelica was born in 1958, in Narvydžiai Village, Utena District. The Deputy Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters received the master's degree. In 1996, the Chief Commissioner completed the specialised master studies of criminal police at the Lithuanian Police Academy and acquired the master's degree in law and the qualification of an official of police and internal authorities. His service record in the internal system of the State dates back to 5 July 1990. The Chief’s service started from militiaman duties. In 30 September 2005, Sigitas Mecelica was appointed as the Chief of Vilnius City Police Headquarters. In December 2008, Mr. Mecelica was appointed as the Deputy Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters. On the proposal of 16 November 2005 of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania awarded Sigitas Mecelica the rank of Chief Commissioner.
Vaclovas Adomavičius - Deputy Chief for Administrative Duties

Vaclovas Adomavičius was born in 1949, in Šiauliai District. He graduated from Kaunas Politechnic Institute, Vilnius Branch, receiving higher education and the qualification of civil engineer. His work in the internal system started from the position of the Chief of Vilnius City State Construction and Installation Board 15 May 1992. On 2 January 1997, Vaclovas Adomavičius was appointed as the Deputy Director of Economics and Provision Department of the Ministry of the Interior. On 1 January 2000, he was appointed as the chief economist at Vilnius City Police Headquarters. Since 15 May 2000, he has held the post of the Deputy Chief Commissioner for Finance and Economy at Vilnius City Police Headquarters. Mr Adomavičius is responsible for the technical provision, maintenance of buildings, repair works, rational use of finance and effective economic police activity at Vilnius County Police Headquarters and territorial police units of Vilnius City.
Antoni Mikulskis - Deputy Chief for Criminal Police

Antoni Mikulskis has occupied the position of Deputy Chief for Criminal Police of Vilnius City Police Headquarters since 5 April 2006. Previously he held the post of the Chief of Criminal Police Crime Investigation Service of Vilnius City Police Headquarters. His service in the internal system dates back to 1982. Commissioner Mikulskis was born on 4 May 1961. In 1984, he graduated from Kaunas Militia School and in 1991 from the Lithuanian Police Academy where he was awarded the lawyer’s degree. The Deputy Chief of Vilnius County Police Headquarters has been given full acknowledgement several times. Mr Mikulskis has been promoted 69 times for his excellent service. In 1994, his unimpeachable service was acknowledged and, as a result, the commissioner was awarded an insignia “For Excellent Service”, presented by the Ministry of the Interior. In 1996, he was presented with a personal gun CZ Compact for excellent performance at work. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, he was awarded the Order of fifth degree of the Cross of Vytis for bravery and great stamina. In 1997, the Deputy Chief of Vilnius City Police Headquarters was awarded the personal pistol SIG-SAUER P-230SL for successful detention operation of an extremely dangerous criminal group. In 1999, Commissioner Mikulskis was granted the Statuette of Christopher, the award of Vilnius City for the most honoured persons of Vilnius. In 2001, the Commissioner was awarded the memorial badge “For the Good of Homeland”. In 2004, the President of the Republic of Lithuania honourably presented him with the Order of the Officer’s Cross “For the Merits to Lithuania”.