o * H e r o i z m i e

Isten, a*ldd meg a Magyart
Patron strony

Zniewolenie jest ceną jaką trzeba płacić za nieznajomość prawdy lub za brak odwagi w jej głoszeniu.* * *

Naród dumny ginie od kuli , naród nikczemny ginie od podatków * * *

* "W ciągu całego mego życia widziałem w naszym kraju tylko dwie partie. Partię polską i antypolską, ludzi godnych i ludzi bez sumienia, tych, którzy pragnęli ojczyzny wolnej i niepodległej, i tych, którzy woleli upadlające obce panowanie." - Adam Jerzy książę Czartoryski, w. XIX.


17 mld 700 mln 683 tys. zł.
1 mld 492 mln / mies
40 mln d z i e n n i e

Dlaczego uważasz, że t a c y nie mieliby cię okłamywać?

W III RP trwa noc zakłamania, obłudy i zgody na wszelkie postacie krzywdy, zbrodni i bluźnierstw. Rządzi państwem zwanym III RP rozbójnicza banda złoczyńców tym różniących się od rządców PRL, iż udają katolików

Ks. Stanisław Małkowski

* * * * * * * * *

środa, 4 lipca 2012


National Guard 375th Years ******************** SEE

*** Image of USA flag displayed at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Fourth of July is Independence Day

The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, is a federal holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of the Independence on July 4th, 1776.
Here on USA.gov, we celebrate by providing you with information on firework safety, laws and celebrations; facts about the history of this great holiday and a variety of holiday tips to make your 4th of July a fun day for the entire family.
USA.gov: Government Made Easy


День независимости (Independence Day, 1996) - Видео@Mail.Ru на Video.mail.ru

July 4th, NYC Style

In NYC History, NYC Today on July 3, 2012 at 4:38 pm
Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays.  “Summer in the city…
It is also the day that I kick back and see the world in a different way.  It’s a day I seriously “people watch” as you will find many wonderful things going on all around you.
Children acting without a care in the world-just relishing the  joy of being a child.  Families laughing, playing games, having picnics together.
It is also a day for hot dog lovers.  Enter Nathan’s International Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island.
Last 4th of July, I braved the beaches and crowds of Coney Island.  Little did I know what lie ahead.  I parked myself on a bench and watched through my camera lens.  Fascinating. But then again, people watching always is….

I then ventured down to the waters edge.  And walked toward the main beach.  As I got closer and closer, the density of sun worshipers increased.  It seriously reminded me of being on the 6 train during rush hour.
Children and adults alike, did not seemed phased one bit.  Instead they were having a heck of a time rubbing suntan lotion on loved ones, digging holes and building sandcastles. Exactly what one does when at the beach.
Tomorrow, I will probably find myself back at Coney Island once again.  Why not?  It’s how we celebrate July 4th,  New York City Style!
Have a Happy!

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